Monday, December 31, 2012

Matching Mondays and Les Miserables

I had the wonderful opportunity to see the new Les Miserables film on Dec. 28th.   I was moved beyond words.  The music and lyrics touched my heart deeply.   Witnessing a mother trusting another person with her child stirred my memories of special mothers trusting me.    Watching the love begin in Jean Valjean as he took little Cosette as his own and loved her touched places in my heart that are only known by those who have lived a similar story.   Seeing the grief in the mothers eyes as she knows she will not be the one to raise her daughter brings back memories of a goodbye I struggled to survive.   I left the movie moved and softened  and full of joy in the act of redemption and felt loved in the reminder of my Redeemer.   The movie was simply beautiful!
Even now as I write this tears spill to my cheeks and I am thankful for the tender feelings that come as I recall the music and words.

When I saw this clip on the United For Adoption blog I thought of second chances and of children waiting for their chance to be saved for whatever situation they are in.   I wanted to share the clip on my blog as well.
Today for Matching Mondays I encourage you to see out children who are waiting for help....some might be waiting for a family to love them, others might be waiting for food or other basic needs.   Some children might be waiting for a loving word or two, a nurturing heart or a friend.  
Look around and see who needs YOU!  
There are things within each of us that prepare us to touch the lives of others.   There is so much good we can do we just have to search and find the one that needs us and then serve them!

I wish you all a Happy New Year!!!
I am so excited about the possibilities of 2013!

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