Friday, June 5, 2009

Project of my heart

I got a call on my way home from Denver this past Tuesday. It was my friend, Heidi. She called to tell me what she learned as she was contacted by a caseworker of a waiting child she inquired about. The caseworker stated that they have noticed an increase of inquires because someone is highlighting waiting children (not exact words...but close). The child that Heidi was contacted about had 50 homestudies come in to the caseworker. I am not sure what the average number is but 50 is really good! Ever since I recieved this phone call my heart is overflowing!!! Today I have thought alot about Matching Mondays...I have been visiting other blogs and have seen cute the Matching Mondays button Leisha made for me and I am so grateful!!!! I see all of the traffic that comes to the r house and I am so grateful for mrs. r's willingness to jump in this with me! I feel humbled and thankful!!!! This is not a Brenda thing...this can only work when we all help and it looks like it is working. I call Matching Mondays the "project of my heart" because it has lifted my heart.
I see hope and I see the Lord's hand in many lives!!!

So THANK YOU for coming here or mrs. r's blog every Monday. THANK YOU for adding the button to you blog and THANK YOU for taking time to help spread these children's information. I think of the days that we were approved with LDS Family Services hoping to adopt and how we did all we could to help spread the word of our hopes. I remember saying...."Whatever LDS Family Services can do to promote themselves...we can do to promote our family". I think the same applies for these children...the things we do to spread our hopes are the same things we can do to spread theirs! I have some ideas I will share with you in the coming days. But right now I just had to say THANK YOU for doing what you are doing to help!!!!
I am very touched!!!


Savannah said...

I LOVE Matching Monday. I get up extra early on Monday for two is the day that hubby's brother emails from his mission in Africa and it is also the day when I fall in love with the children on Matching Monday. Thank you for being inspired to do it!

Lindsey from The R House said...


Jessica said...

I am so happy that you had a major part in this. Brenda you have always had a big heart and a willingness to make a difference and you have in many people's lives. I am so blessed to have you in my life as an amazing example of someone who never gives up and keeps giving life everything she has. Thank you!