Sunday, October 18, 2009


I believe in Miracles and I can tell you why...
(as sung in Christmas Eve on Sesame Street!)

This past week has been a week of miracles.
I wanted to share one with you.
Brad and I serve on Families Supporting Adoption National Board as Co-Vice Chairs.
We get the incredible opportunity to work closely with the FSA Co-Chairs Phil & Valerie Hochheiser.
Phil and Val have been trying to adopt a 3rd time for over 4 years.
This past Friday they became parents of a darling 20 month old baby boy!
Take a peek at their blog!
We are so excited for them. Phil & Val do so much for adoptive couples and adoption in general. We feel so blessed to have them as our friends!

Congratulations on your new son!!!!!

1 comment:

phil&val said...

Thanks Brenda! The feeling is totally mutual! I hope your kids are feeling better. Phil and Jordyn have also had the yucky flu and I'm hoping we'll be done there and nobody else will get sick. Hang in there and take care!