Friday, October 22, 2010

Friday Family Fun: 16th Anniversary

When Brad and I first got married we thought we couldn't love one another more.   There was alot of love back then but I realize today that love only gets better and relationships that are nurtured grow into something more special. Today I look back over the past 16 years and I amazed by what I see.   Brad and I have been through so much together.  We have faced hard times and hard decisions and hard answers together and that has blessed our marriage and friendship.   We have witnessed incredible acts of love and we have truly witnessed miracles.  

I am so excited about where Brad and I are today in our friendship, as a family and in our marriage.    Sixteen years has brought us  the opportunity to be closer and to love more deeply.  I am excited to see what the next 16 years will bring!

Happy Anniversary Brad!

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