Monday, March 12, 2012

Today as you see this post I will either be in surgery or recovering from it.   So I decided to keep it simple.
Check out your states Waiting Children by going here.

And I just want to say how much I love adoption! 
I have read so many horrible things about adoption (mostly infant adoption) recently and it makes me so sad.   As I write this I am thinking about my surgery and wondering if I will come out with an ovary.   I only have one these days and while I know it isn't Heavenly Fathers plan for me to ever be pregnant I would like to keep my last ovary.   My mind has continued to go back to the miracles I have seen occur to bring our children into our bring their Birth Parents in our life.   The miracles have been tailor made and so sweet!   I am so thankful I have had the opportunity to witness these miracles!!!

If you are waiting for a child (infant or teen or someplace in between) hang on...your miracle is coming!   I had a saying while we were waiting for our children.   I have tweaked it some to make it  for everyone.... 
Everyday that goes by that you don't have a child placed with you means you are closer to the day you will!

1 comment:

The Loves said...

Our prayers are with you, Brenda. "Be at peace..."

And thank you for the last paragraph of this post... I desperately needed to hear that today - it was an answer to my prayer. (I hope it's ok that I copied down your saying and put it on my 'fridge and bathroom mirror!)