Thursday, June 25, 2009

Adventures with Crayola

If your having a bad day and feelin' a little blue,
Just give a 3 year old a marker....she'll know what to do!

This is Haley at about 8 months old.
It is a classic example of life with the small adventure family.
The story goes likes this...
I was upstairs getting ready for church, I was running behind and trying to really hurry. I went to find the girls so I could get them ready. I came into the family and found Brenley drawing all over Haley and herself with a blue crayola marker. It was the worst day to have this happen and it put us behind even more but all I could do was laugh and laugh!!!
I has become a sweet lasting moment that is etched in time.
I love those kind of moments!

I hope your day today if full of fun and silly adventures!

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