Tuesday, June 23, 2009


On Thursday I was looking through waiting children.
I do this alot.
I came across a sibling group that is exactly what I had imagined would be perfect for our family. Today we sent an inquiry on them and now we wait. We have inquired about a couple of kids before....one from Ohio and one from Florida but we never heard anything...so I am hoping this will be different. :)
We also heard about another sibling group...still waiting to learn more about that situation.
We are wishing and hoping and praying for the right situation to work out. I am also trying not to put all our eggs in one basket.
I will keep you posted.
I was curious....have any of you inquired about waiting children?
Have you heard anything back?
I would love to hear about your experiences!


Kirsten said...

We inquired about 2 girls a few months ago. We heard back about one but not the other (and this was the girl I really wanted and felt some kind a connection with.) We were going to call about it but then got our first placement and have been WAY too busy. Often think about her and wonder... maybe when or IF my life slows down... we will inquire again!
Good luck to you and your situation! You are an amazing person!

Savannah said...

I did our first inquiry this afternoon. It's a sibling group in NV. I'm still not sure what to think. I want an infant so badly but every Monday I find myself excited for your Matching Monday and I always fall in love with at least one of the children.
I still want an infant, but even that desire is starting to dim a little so maybe my heart is opening itself for the right situation.
Until then I will be anxiously awaiting to learn more about the sibling group I inquired about.

Christine said...

We actually inquired about Dwayne and Christina a little over a year ago. But, my dh was in school full time, and we in Eastern Idaho they didn't have the medical facilities needed to take good care of him. Now we're looking for a job and trying to figure out where we will be. If we end up where we hope, we may inquire about them again! I tell my dh about situations all the time, and when I mentioned them to him, he said, we should call the cw. I was so surprised, and heartbroken when we decided not to pursue their adoption. So when I mentioned the other day that they were still available, the wheels started turning in his head again. We'll see. We don't feel super strong that they are "ours" or anything, just interested that they haven't been placed yet...

Sheri said...

We have inquired about three different sibling groups, but haven't heard anything. We called on the one case, but they were unavailable to pursue. We still have our three foster girls, however, our children always seem to go back to their parents so we will just have to wait and see.

Lindsey from The R House said...

um...love that graphic!

Jake and Alisa said...

this part of adoption is new to me...looking for sibling groups already waiting to be adopted. I'm ready to expand my search and not wait for a newborn/birthmother to pick us. Where are you looking? You can adopt these waiting children out of state?? Please email me where to look. Thanks, Alisa aj1090@hotmail.com

Unknown said...

We have inquired about two different sibling groups but both were already matched with families when we did. I had called the worker listed on both of them and later just received a letter in the mail saying thank you for your interest but they have found their forever families.

I have been trying to talk the hubbs into a sibling group of four over the last few weeks (I don't even know if they are still available) but he just won't go for it (and in a way I sort of agree that we would be crazy for a while). But I love looking at the sites and feel like the Matching Mondays have given me another option to think about, one that we never really considered.

Shane, Meg, CJ, RJ, and AL said...

We've inquired about multiple waiting children and sibling groups in different states and have always either received no response or gotten an e-mail back saying the child was either no longer available or has been matched with another family.

I've only had phone contact with one caseworker and I am still frustrated about it! Here's the story: