Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Call for exeriences, feelings regarding adoption/foster care blogs.

This picture has absolutely nothing to do with this post...but I wanted to add it because I love the freedom of being able to show whatever picture of Spencer I want.  LOL  The joys of being "legal".

I am still trying to take it easy with my hands...trying to avoid surgery so that is why I am a little MIA lately.   I miss blogging and reading blogs.  :(

Next month I am teaching a class about adoption and blogging.  I would love to hear from you if you have the one of the following:
1.  You have had a placement happen because a Birth Mother found your blog OR your blog played a role in the match.
2.  You blog about adoption or fostering and would be willing to email me with your experience and feelings regarding how blogging has helped you through the process or has given you added support etc.
3.   You have read other peoples adoption/foster blogs and it has helped you....I would love a write up about that.
4.   You use a blog to share your child's life with their Birth Family.   Why you do it and how you and the birth family feel about it.   Your feelings etc.

When I present a topic I love to share more experiences than just my own.  I hope you will be willing to share with me. cutefamilyof5 at gmail dot com
  Thank You!!!!

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