Monday, January 31, 2011

Family Home Evening Valentine Fun.

We had a fun Family Home Evening experience tonight so I thought I would share what we did in case you are like me and always looking for ideas.  
We used the story "Jana's Good Example" from the February 2011 Friend magazine.  We read the story and the scripture that goes along with it.  We then talked about setting a good example and used the ideas found on the last page of the friend magazine and went around the room and everyone shared how someone else in the family was a good example to them.   I then introduced the "Valentine Tote" and told them that every time we see someone in our family setting a good example we need to write a little note thanking them and then place it in their Valentine Tote.  Next week we will focus on speaking kindly to one another.  On Valentines Day we are going to take the notes out and read them aloud. 
No one is permitted to read any notes before then.

We then made 4 totes (Brad, Spencer and I are sharing one).  
After wards we ate apple crisp and vanilla ice cream.
The kids loved it and were so happy! 
There's nothing better than happy children.

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