Thursday, April 21, 2011

I Count! My Journey to a Better Me.

Well....I am at a standstill on my weight.   It looks like it might be that way for a few days.   The stress of the past few weeks has finally hit me I think.  I am struggling with fatigue and today I have come down with something.......not sure what.   So I am not on my bike or treadmill today but yesterday  and Tuesday I put in 7.5 miles on my bike in 30 minutes and another 1.5 miles on my treadmill in 30 minutes.
I am going to take a few days and try to rest and get better and then get moving again.
I am counting down to summer...I have never been as anxious for summer like I am this one.  (Well except for the summer that Brenley was going to be born).
I am sooo tired of the dreary weather...but it kind of matching my month so far.  :)
Tonight I am thinking about the song "Here Comes the Sun".  lol 
Can't Wait!!!

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